The free lines,
interlocking, repeating and deforming, coexisting in their oneness as a whole, concealing multiple and diverse forms and situations: sometimes tragic, sometimes ethereal, often unexpected, but equally guardians of a message.
June 2018
work of 2019
The frequencies of the mind.

“Mind” 2019 / 80x80x4 cm.
The frequencies of the mind, our pulsating envelope, vibrate incessantly, projected everywhere around us.
Our form, our “I” propagates through space like a cosmic signature, contaminating every body it encounters, leaving behind an indelible and everlasting message.
How many “WEs” are hidden, encased in our souls?
Our vibrations protect us, propagating our purest essence into the cosmos. They tell of who we are; what we want; where we want to go. They are vibrations so close to us, to our bodies, that we do not even see them, although the mind guards them and the heart keeps them pulsing incessantly.
Heart and Mind unite to generate Love, in every thought.
We alone are incapable of truly discerning what we truly are.

Coffee and China
If you are interested in this painting you can buy it by clicking below or by contacting the artist directly.
Morning coffee,
and a few brushes were, and still are, my rudiments, tools and materials. Just like an authentic “non-painter.”
work of 2021
"Transparent mirror"
Harmonious, dancing forms are molded reflected on transparent.

“Trasparent Mirrors” 2021 /120x120x4cm
Harmonious, dancing forms are molded reflected on transparent, angular, flat mirrors and aligned in unison toward one singular form. How many forms do we possess and in what ways can they “vibrate”?
The transfiguration of mirroring ourselves, in the many experiences that this earthly life is capable of reflecting.
Everything begins with us, from our inner center. As in a dance, our bodies emanate frequencies that transform our every emotion into unique forms and experiential solutions. The evidence of the main contrast, between the angularity of life and the harmonic curves of our vibrations, makes me believe that we only are allowed to Love, falling in love with the world and making the world around us fall in love in turn.
The artwork is made on wood, with a creamy white base; while the painting is made using the only Morning Coffee.
Coffee can express infinite shades of color: from dark, almost black, to transparent. Hues that perhaps express just life as we know it.

"Transparent mirror"
Coffee and White
If you are interested in this painting you can buy it by clicking below or by contacting the artist directly.