I needed to imagen an object that contains and creates a space of light of its Own.
That at the same time, reminds You of the light in every person.
The Cube shines with its own light, just like we do.
The light is born in the inside, where the wood is illuminated and enlightens the center of the Cube.
A Light Cube inside a wooden cube. Each side of the cube is a painting.
Luce al Cubo Menorca is a collection of light sculptures made with ancient woods fallen with The Tramontana.
Ullastre, Eucalipto and Alçina (which they are named after).
Keeping your own light, knowing where it is and turning it on when you need it,
are the elements of Luce al Cubo Menorca, a perfect cube that illuminates Your interior creating a unique light space.
Gerardo Abriola